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00GOLD-FanArt: Photoより。個人的にすごく好きなViのイラストを描かれる方なんですが、LoL漫画もありましたので、英語のものをご紹介。



新ストーリー:Master Yi, the Wuju Bladesman

Surrender at 20: 7/9 PBE Update: Lucian & Master Yi Updateより。
公式にMaster Yiのリワークが発表されました。それに伴ってPBEではLoreが新しくなりましたので、翻訳しました。


Through the ancient martial art of Wuju, Master Yi tempered his body and sharpened his mind until thought and action became one. Though he chooses to enter into violence as a last resort,the grace and speed with which he wields his blade ensures resolution is always swift. As the last living practitioner of Wuju, Master Yi has devoted his life to finding able pupils to carry on the legacy of his lost people.
古武道Wujuを通し、Master Yiは思考と行動が一つになるまで身体を鍛え上げ精神を鍛え上げた。最後の手段として実力行使を選んだものの、彼の決意が宿った剣は常に優雅かつ敏速である。Wuju最後の実践者として、Master Yiは滅びた自分の民族の遺産を受け継いでくれる伝承者を見つけることに、自らの生涯を捧げている。

Even before Yi mastered Wuju, he was considered one of the most skilled practitioners of the mystical martial art. He would soon prove his mastery when word of a massive Noxian invasion reached his remote village. Yi swept across the battlefields of Ionia, turning back the tide of Noxus's vast infantry with swift and deadly strikes, much to the embarrassment of the Noxian High Command. Recognizing the threat the Wuju disciples posed to their invasion, the Noxians chose to unleash a nightmarish chemical attack on the home of the deadly art. Those who somehow survived the poisonous concoction had their minds twisted beyond repair. Yi's home was left in ruin.
YiはWujuの導師となる以前から、この神秘的な武道の最高の熟練者の一人に数えられていた。Noxusの大侵攻の知らせが彼の辺鄙な村にまで届いた時、彼は自分の技をすぐに披露することとなった。YiはIoniaじゅうの戦場を駆け回り、素早く致命的な攻撃でNoxusの歩兵の大軍を逃げ帰らせ、NoxusのHigh Commandを大いに狼狽させた。Wujuの門弟たちが侵攻を停滞させる脅威として認識されたことにより、Noxusは悪夢のような致死性の化学攻撃を撒き散らすことを選択した。この毒からなんとかして生き延びた者も、回復のしようがないほどに精神を壊されていた。Yiの故郷は廃墟と化した。

At the war's conclusion, Yi returned to the grotesque remains of his village. There he became the attack's final casualty. Slain in spirit, if not in body, Yi clung to the only feeling left within his heart: vengeance. Driven only by his desire to punish those who'd destroyed his home, Yi spent years training in seclusion. He became a deadlier swordsman than he had ever been, but true mastery of Wuju still eluded him.

At the height of Yi's frustration, a monkey of unusually noble bearing interrupted his training. Standing as straight and tall as a man, the monkey watched and mimicked Yi's movements. Yi shooed the monkey away, but the agile creature took great amusement in turning Yi's own techniques against him. Gradually, Yi felt his anger subside as he sparred with the playful animal, and when the burden of his hatred had fully lifted, he found he had caught the monkey by his tail. Yi then understood that he would never master Wuju so long as he pursued it for vengeance, and as he let go of the monkey, he also released his desire to shed his enemy's blood.

Yi thanked the monkey for showing him what he'd been blind to, and was surprised when the creature actually replied. He wished to learn Yi's art of fighting. It was an odd request, but through it Yi saw his new path: the way to honor the memory of his lost people was to pass their teachings on to a new generation.

''The edge of the sharpest blade is no match for the calm of the peaceful mind.''
-- Master Yi

ストーリー:Lucian, the Purifier

Arm yourself as Lucian, the Purifier - League of Legends Communityより。


Lucian wields relic weapons imbued with ancient power and stands a stalwart guardian against the undead. His cold conviction never wavers, even in the face of the maddening horrors he destroys beneath his hail of purifying fire. Lucian walks alone on a grim mission: to purge the spirits of those ensnared in undeath, his eternal beloved among them.

Like the twin relic weapons they wielded, Lucian and his wife Senna were carved from the same stone. Together they battled evil in Runeterra for years, bringing light to darkness and purging those taken by corruption. They were beacons of righteousness: Senna's dedication to their cause never faltered, while Lucian's kindness and warmth touched the hearts of the many lives they saved. Two parts of one whole, they were devoted and inseparable.

Though Lucian and Senna witnessed terror that would break most warriors, nothing they had seen compared to the horrors wrought by the Shadow Isles. When the spectral denizens of that accursed place began to manifest across Runeterra, Lucian and Senna hunted them down wherever they appeared. It was grim work, but the fearless pair prevailed until one tragic encounter with the soul-collector Thresh. Lucian and Senna had faced such nightmarish undead before, but never one so deviously clever and cruel. As the terrible battle unfolded, Thresh sprung an unexpected ploy. To Lucian's horror, the creature tricked Senna and ensnared her soul, trapping her in a spectral prison.
大半の戦士が屈伏する恐怖に気づいていたとしても、Shadow Islesが作り上げた恐怖以上のものを、LucianとSennaが知ることはなかった。その呪われた地の幽霊たちがRuneterraじゅうに現れ始めた時、LucianとSennaは片っ端から彼らを狩って行った。それは恐ろしい仕事だったが、勇敢な二人は優勢だった。魂の収集者たるThreshとの間に、痛ましい出来事が起こるまでは。LucianとSennaは悪夢のような不死者に立ち向かった経験はあったが、ここまで捻じくれ、頭が回り、残忍な存在を相手にしたことはなかった。恐ろしい戦いが幕を開けると、Threshは予想もつかない策略を用いてきた。Sennaを騙し、彼女の魂を罠にかけ、魂の牢獄に閉じ込めたのだ。Lucianは恐怖した。

Nothing could bring her back. Senna was lost, and for the first time, Lucian faced his mission alone.

Though the Warden had taken half of Lucian's heart, he had also created the Shadow Isles' most dangerous foe. Lucian became a man of dark determination, one who would stop at nothing to purge the undead from the face of Runeterra. In honor of Senna's memory, he took up her fallen weapon and vowed to see their mission through to the end. Now wielding both relic weapons, Lucian fights to slay the undead and cleanse the souls of the Shadow Isles. He knows that Senna's soul is lost, but never loses hope that one day he will bring her peace.
獄吏はLucianの片翼を奪い取ったが、Shadow Islesにとって最も危険な敵をも作ってしまった。暗い執念を宿したLucianは、Runeterraに現れる不死者を駆逐するまで、止まることはないだろう。Sennaに敬意を表し、彼は彼女の武器を手に取り、二人の任務を完遂することを誓った。両手に伝説の武器を携えたLucianは今、不死者を滅ぼし、Shadow Islesの魂達を払い清めるために戦っている。Sennaの魂が戻ってこないことはわかっているが、いつか彼女の魂に平安をもたらす日を求めて、彼は戦っている。

"Be grateful. By slaying you now, I spare you an eternity of torment."
 - Lucian





高下駄ってレベルじゃねーぞ!? ヒールの高さも恐ろしいし、これ転んだらどうするんでしょう……?

情報元:League of legends - Rivenop





Uncle Ryze(セール価格260RP)はアンクル・サムが元ネタのスキン。

Statue of Karthus(セール価格260RP)はニューヨークにある自由の女神像

Minuteman Gangplank(セール価格260RP)はアメリカ独立戦争時からの民兵

