
ストーリー:Braum, the Heart of the Freljord

新チャンピオン、Braum, the Heart of the Freljordの登場です! 久々のmelee supportということで期待が高まりますね!
名前の読みはそのまま「ブラウム」かなと思います。the Heart of the Freljordは……「Freljordの勇士」ですかね。heartという単語が様々な意味を内包する単語なので、自由に発想を広げてかまわないと思います。


'Tell me a bedtime story, grandma.'

A bitter wind howls outside, whipping falling snow into devil whirls.

'What kind? A tale of the Ice Witch, perhaps?'
「どんなのだい? 氷の魔女のお話かな?」

The girl crawls into her arms. 'Too scary. Tell me a story about Braum!'

'Ah, Braum!' The old woman smiles. 'There are so many. My grandmother used to tell me of the time Braum protected our village from the great dragon! Or once - this was long ago - he raced down a river of lava! Or -' She pauses; puts a finger to her lips. 'Have I told you how Braum got his shield?'
「ああ、Braumね!」老婆は微笑みました。「たくさんのお話があるわ。わたしのおばあちゃんは昔、Braumが大きなドラゴンから私たちの村を守ってくれた時のことを話してくれたね! それとも昔─これはもうとても昔の話だけれど─Braumが溶岩の川下りをしたことかしら。それとも──」老婆は思案して、自分の唇に指を添えました。「Braumが盾を手に入れた時の話は、したことがあったかな?」

The girl grins and hops under the covers. The hearth fire snaps, holding off the wind.

�Well. In the mountains above our village lived a man named Braum -�

'I know that!'

'He mostly kept to his farm, tending his sheep and goats, but he was the kindest man anyone had ever met, and he always had a smile on his face and a laugh on his lips.

'Now, one day something terrible happened: a young troll boy � around your age - was climbing the mountain and happened on a vault, set into the mountainside, the entrance guarded by a huge stone door with a shard of True Ice at its center. When he opened the door, he couldn't believe his eyes: the vault was filled with gold, jewels - every kind of treasure you could imagine!
「そうしたある日、おそろしいことが起きました。ひとりのトロールの少年─そうね、あなたくらいの年頃の子よ─が山に登り、宝物庫を偶然見つけたのです。山腹にあった宝物庫の入り口は、大きな石の扉で守られていて、部屋の真ん中にはTrue Iceのかけら(Shard of True Ice)が置かれていました。その子は扉を開けた時、自分の目をを信じられませんでした。宝物庫は黄金や宝石で満たされていて──あなたが想像できる限りの宝物が、全部あったのよ!」

'What he didn't know was that the vault was a trap. The Ice Witch had cursed it - and as the troll boy entered, the magical door CLANGED shut behind him and locked him inside! Try as he might, he couldn't get out.
「その子は知らなかったけれど、その宝物庫は罠でした。氷の魔女が宝物庫に呪いをかけたの──トロールの少年が部屋に入ると、魔法の扉がガシャン!と音を立てて閉まり、彼を中に閉じ込めてしまったわ! 彼は力の限り外に出ようとしたけれど、外には出られなかったの」

'A passing shepherd heard his cries. Everyone rushed to help, but even the strongest warriors couldn't open the door. The boy's parents were beside themselves; his mother's wails of grief echoed around the mountain. It seemed hopeless.

'And then, to everyone's surprise, they heard a distant laugh.'

'I bet it was Braum!'

'Aren't you clever! Braum had heard their cries and came striding down the mountainside. The villagers told him of the troll boy and the curse. Braum smiled, nodded, turned to the vault, and faced the door. He pushed it. Pulled it. Punched it; kicked it; tried to rip it from its hinges. But the door wouldn't budge.'
「お利口さんね! Braumは両親の泣き声を聞きつけて、山を降りてきたの。村人が彼に、トロールの少年と呪いのことを伝えたわ。Braumは笑って、頷くと、宝物庫へと向きなおり、扉の正面に立ちました。彼は扉を押したわ。引きもした。殴ったし、蹴ったし、蝶番を壊そうともした。でも、扉はびくともしなかった」

'But he's the strongest man ever!'

'It was perplexing,' her grandmother agrees. 'For four days and nights, Braum sat on a boulder, trying to think of a solution. After all, a child's life was at stake.

'Then, as the sun rose on the fifth day, his eyes widened and a broad grin lit up his face. 'If I can't go through the door,' he said, 'then I'll just have to go through -'

The girl thinks; her own eyes widen. '- the mountain!'

'The mountain. Braum headed to the summit and began punching his way straight down, pummeling into the stone, fist after fist, rocks flying in his wake, until he had vanished deep into the mountain.

'As the villagers held their breath, the rock around the door crumbled - and when the dust cleared, they saw Braum standing amidst the treasure, the weak but happy troll boy in his arms.

'I knew he could do it!'

'But before they could celebrate, everything began to rumble and shake: Braum's tunnel had weakened the mountaintop, and now it was caving in! Thinking quickly, Braum grabbed the enchanted door and held it above him like a shield, protecting them as the mountaintop collapsed. When it was over, Braum was amazed: there wasn't a single scratch on the door! Braum knew it was something very special.
「でも喜ぶ前に、そこにあるもの全てがガラガラと音を立てて揺れ始めました。Braumが掘ったトンネルは山頂をもろくし、崩れ落ちてきてしまったのです! 咄嗟に考えたBraumは、魔法の扉を掴むと、盾のようにして自分の上に掲げて、崩れ落ちた山頂から村人たちを守ったのです。それが収まった時、Braumはびっくりしました。その扉には、傷ひとつなかったのです! Braumには、これがとてもすごいものだというのがわかったのです」

'And from that moment on, that magical shield never left Braum's side.'

The girl is sitting upright, beaming with excitement. 'Grandma, tell me another.'

'Tomorrow.' Her grandmother smiles; kisses her forehead; blows out the candle. 'For you need to sleep, and there are many more stories to tell.

Surrender at 20: 4/22 PBE Update: Braum, Dragonslayer Pantheon, Blade Queen Lissandra, Return of Night Hunter Rengar