
ストーリー:Elise, the Spider Queen

Vicious and elegant, Elise's charismatic grace lures the innocent and greedy alike into her web of deceit. While her victims may discover her true intentions, no one has ever lived to reveal what dark secrets lie behind her enigmatic guise.

In dark halls, hidden from society, Elise preached the word of a mythical spider god. Her desperate followers hungered for the god's favor, believing its blessings to be the source of Elise's vibrance and power. When Elise proclaimed that she would lead a pilgrimage to the spider god's shrine, she selected only her most devout disciples to join her. Ecstatic, the chosen few followed her blindly as she led them on a perilous journey across the sea. When they came ashore at their final destination, the mysterious Shadow Isles, Elise led them to a cavern shrouded in webs. Expecting a shrine, the group looked to their priestess in confusion. She turned to the crowd and raised her arms in triumph, revealing strange, spider-like legs that grew out of her back. Seeing her terrifying true form for the first time, Elise's followers turned to flee, but she conjured magical webs to trap them. With her victims ensnared, she turned to face the cave and uttered a screeching cry. An enormous undead spider-beast emerged from the darkness, dragging its hideous bulk on thick, pointed legs. Elise's followers could only scream as the monstrous spider ate them alive. She approached the sated creature, extracted its venom, and drank the strange substance. An immediate sense of rejuvenation flowed through her veins. With mortality delayed once again, Elise left to rejoin her congregation. They were overjoyed to hear that their fellows had chosen to remain at the spider god's sacred home. Elise reassured her disciples that she would lead another pilgrimage in due time. The spider god would be waiting.
世間から隠れた闇の集会所で、Eliseは蜘蛛神の言葉を説いている。彼女の狂信者たちはその神の御利益に飢えており、その祝福こそがEliseの力の源なのだと信じている。蜘蛛神の祠への巡礼を率いるとEliseが宣言した時、彼女は最も信心深い信徒のみを巡礼のメンバーに選定した。興奮した信徒たちは、彼女に導かれるまま盲目的に航海へと乗り出した。彼らが最終目的地であるShadow Islesの岸に辿り着くと、Eliseは蜘蛛の糸で覆われた洞窟へと巡礼たちを導いた。祠があることを期待していた巡礼たちは、混乱して自分たちを導いた女司祭を見つめた。彼女は巡礼たちに向き直ると、勝ち誇った様子で両腕を掲げ、その背に奇妙な蜘蛛の脚を生やした化物の本性を露した。彼女の恐ろしい本性を初めて目にしたEliseの信徒たちは逃げようとしたが、彼女の魔法の蜘蛛糸に捕えられてしまった。哀れな犠牲者たちと共に彼女は洞窟に向き直ると、甲高い金切り声を上げた。すると暗闇の中から巨大で邪悪かつ不死の蜘蛛の化物が、おぞましく大きな尖った脚をゆっくりと動かしながら姿を現した。Eliseの信徒たちは悲鳴を上げることしかできず、生きながらその化物蜘蛛に食われた。彼女は満腹になった化物蜘蛛に近づくと、その毒を取り、麻薬を摂るかのように飲み干した。すぐに彼女の血管を若返る感覚が満たしていった。こうして一旦老化を遅らせると、Eliseは島を立ち去って彼女の作り上げた集会へと戻って行った。彼女が率いた巡礼たちが選ばれて蜘蛛神の聖なる居所に留まったと聞き、信者たちは更に熱狂した。Eliseは、時が来れば再び巡礼を率いると表明することで、信者たちを安心させた。蜘蛛神は待っているのだ。

"The truly faithful need not fear the spider's embrace."

"Elise's regal demeanor and captivating charms belied the feeling of dread she conjured in the pit of my stomach. Something in the deceptively musical timbre of her voice gave the impression there was a monstrous beast locked away beneath that unearthly smile. I looked around at her spellbound followers, and could not shake the feeling that they were ensnared like insects in a web, awaiting some horrible fate."
― Riven

"As the fog parted and I first beheld the Shadow Isles, I sensed immediately that something was amiss. From the mysteriously placid waters of the bay to the dead calm of the night air, an eerie stillness gripped the place – even the sea and sky. Even as I made ready to go ashore, the crew begged me to return at once to the mainland."
「霧が晴れ、最初にShadow Islesを見た時、私はすぐに何かおかしな感覚に陥りました。不思議な静けさを湛えた湾の水から、死んだような夜の静寂まで、不気味な沈黙に支配された場所でした──海と空の至る所でさえも。私が上陸する準備を整えてしまってからも、船員はすぐ陸地へ引き返すよう懇願してきました」

"Despite its size, the immense forest loomed like a sepulcher around us, and the dank air and unnatural stillness bred increasing feelings of paranoia and dread. My companion begged me to turn back, but some primal yearning spurred me onward, deeper into the gloom."
