新ストーリー:Udyr, the Spirit Walker
Surrender at 20: 4/12 PBE Patch: Balance Changes, Traditional Sejuani, Remade Freljord Loresより。
Udyr is more than a man; he is a vessel for the untamed power of four primal animal spirits.When tapping into the spirits' bestial natures, Udyr can harness their unique strengths: the tiger grants him speed and ferocity, the turtle resilience, the bear might,and the phoenix its eternal flame. With their combined power, Udyr can turn back all those who would attempt to harm the natural order.
In the Freljord,there is a unique caste that lives outside the society of those savage lands. They are the custodians of the natural world: the Spirit Walkers. Once in a generation,a child is born under a blood red moon, a child that is said to live between two worlds: that of spirit and that of man. This child is brought to the Spirit Walker to continue the shamanic line. Udyr was such a child, and knew the howl of the tundra wolves even before he learned the language of his ancestors. Through the Spirit Walker, Udyr would one day learn the meaning of the spirits' calls and tend to the balance of nature.The Spirit Walker often told Udyr he would be tested more than those who had come before him, for the spirits of the Freljord were growing ever more restless, though the reason remained clouded.
Freljordに、この未開の大地の社会から放逐されて生きる、独特の身分の者たちがいた。彼らは自然の世界の守り手、Spirit Walkerだ。一世代に一度あるかないかのことだが、血のように赤い月の夜に生まれた子供は、精霊の世界と人間の世界、その二つの狭間で生きる運命なのだと伝えられている。このような子供は、シャーマンを通してSpirit Walkerへと預けられる。Udyrはまさしくそのような子供で、祖先から伝わる言葉を覚える前に、ツンドラに響く狼の咆哮を理解していたような子供だった。Spirit Walkerを通して、Udyrはある日、精霊の声の意味と自然の均衡を守ることを学んだ。Spirit WalkerはUdyrによくこう言って聞かせた。Udyrは自分が遭遇してきたよりも過酷な試練に遭うだろう、理由はわからないのだが、Freljordの精霊たちがこれまでになく活発になってきている、と。
The answer arrived in the dead of winter, as Udyr and the Spirit Walker were descended upon by a fearsome figure known only through frightened whispers: the Ice Witch. Knowing the boy would fall easy prey to her vile magic,the Spirit Walker shielded the child from her assault at the cost of his own life. A pointless sacrifice, or so the Ice Witch thought as she closed upon her next helpless victim.Wracked by grief, Udyr howled with fury, and he felt the Freljord itself howl with him. In that moment, the child embraced the spirits' primal nature and became a beast himself. Coursing with their untamed power Udyr's angry roar shook the mountain tops and brought down a torrential avalanche.When Udyr finally clawed out of the frost, the Ice Witch was nowhere to be found.
その答えは真冬の最中に訪れた。UdyrとSpirit Walkerは恐るべき「氷の魔女」とだけ呼ばれる何かに襲われたのだ。彼女の堕落した魔法の前には子供などたやすい獲物と思われたが、Spirit Walkerはその命をもってして彼女の攻撃から子供を守った。無駄な犠牲だと思ったのか、氷の魔女は抗う術のない哀れな子供を次の犠牲者とするべく近づいた。悲しみにうちひしがれ、Udyrは激情のままに吠えた。すると彼はFreljordそのものが一緒に咆哮するのを感じた。その瞬間、この子供は精霊の野生の本性を受け入れ、獣そのものとなったのだ。その野生の力はUdyrの怒りの咆哮に乗り、山の頂上を震わせて猛烈な雪崩を引き起こした。Udyrがやっと雪から脱出した時、氷の魔女はいずこともなく消えてしまっていた。
For years, the tribes of the north learned to avoid the wild man and his domain. Then one day, Udyr caught the scent of a fearless trespasser. Determined to chase the intruder from his territory, he attacked the stranger only to be deflected with ease. The wild man launched himself at the man again and again, but each time he was effortlessly cast aside. Exhausted and defeated, Udyr felt his animosity ebb and croaked a clumsy ''who'' to the stranger. Lee Sin had come seeking the Spirit Walker's guidance and instead found a man who had also lost his way. The blind monk promised he would right Udyr's path and guided him to a monastery, said to be protected by four eternal spirits of great power and wisdom. There, Udyr would find harmony.
何年もの間、北方の部族達はこの野性的な人々とその縄張りを荒らすべからず、と理解していた。そんなある日、Udyrの鼻は恐れ知らずの侵入者のにおいを捉えた。縄張りへの乱入者を追うことを決意し、彼はそのよそ者に襲いかかったのだが、攻撃は易々と跳ね返されてしまうばかりだった。気を取り直して何度も攻撃を仕掛けるのだが、いくらやっても無駄な努力だった。敗北し疲れ果てたUdyrは自分の敵対心が薄れていくのを感じ、不器用な人語で「誰だ」としわがれた誰何の声を発した。Spirit Walkerの導きを求めて来たLee Sinだが、代わりに見つけたのはこの、道を見失った男だった。盲目の僧はUdyrを正しい道に導くことを約束し、力と知恵を司る4体の不滅の精霊に守られるという寺院へと案内した。そこで、Udyrは調和を知ることができたのだった。
Harnessing the discipline of the monks, Udyr communed with the spirits of the monastery's temple and learned to truly embrace his life as the next Spirit Walker. He also understood the true threat that the Ice Witch posed to the Freljord for the first time: she was the herald of a greater darkness that would soon envelop the land. Armed with the potent spirits of the temple, Udyr returned to the place of his birth,seeking to end the blight of the Ice Witch and free the Freljord from her corruption.
僧の教えを身につけ、Udyrは寺院の精霊たちと語らい、次代のSpirit Walkerとなる真の資格を得るに至った。彼はまた、氷の魔女がFreljordに対する本当の脅威であることも初めて理解した。彼女は大陸を闇で覆おうとする恐ろしい邪悪の手先だったのだ。寺院の力ある精霊たちを武器に、Udyrは彼が生まれた場所に戻り、氷の魔女の企みを終わらせ、彼女に汚染されたFreljordを解放する手段を探し求めている。
(訳者注:以下の3パラグラフは、Loreのリメイク後に上の1パラグラフを消して書き加えられたものです。また、Udyrの称号が"the Animal Spirit"から"the Spirit Walker"へと変更されました)
Lee Sin brought Udyr to a land that was a stark contrast to his birthplace. Survival was not the only law that governed the lives of Ionians or creatures of the land. For the first time, Udyr felt at peace with the spirits surrounding him and found comfort in human companionship. His time among the monks taught him to temper his instincts, while his meditations with the ancient temple spirits taught him wisdom. Through them both, Udyr learned to truly embrace his life as the next Spirit Walker.
Lee SinはUdyrを、彼が生まれた荒地とは全く異なった場所へと連れ出した。Ionia人やその地に暮らす生物にとっては、生き延びることだけが支配者たる掟ではなかったのだ。最初、Udyrは自分を取り巻く精霊たちが安らいでいるのを感じ、また人間同士の親交が心地よいことに気づいた。僧たちの中で過ごしたことにより、彼は生来の気質を穏やかに制御する術を学び、瞑想を通して古き寺院の精霊から知恵を授かった。この両方を修めたことで、Udyrは次代のSpirit Walkerとしての真の資格を得るに至ったのだ。
Udyr owed much to the Ionians. It was a debt he was never asked to honor, but one he would ultimately repay many times over. When the armies of Noxus invaded, Udyr did not stand idle as the brutal soldiers oppressed the peaceful Ionians - he had not forgotten how to bare his teeth. Udyr leapt at their armies with all the ferocity of a cornered beast and gave the invaders good reason to fear the wilderness. From the trees, his claws tore the Noxians down in scores; on the river banks, he threw them back with the falling tides, and in the fields, he consumed them with searing wildfire. Only when the Noxians fled with their tails between their legs did Udyr quell his rage.
Peace returned to Ionia, but still Udyr felt something stirring him from his rest. The spirits of the Freljord called out to him, warning of an unnatural evil emerging from the ice. Udyr understood the true threat that the Ice Witch posed to his homeland: she was the herald of a greater darkness that would soon envelop the land. Armed with the potent spirits of the temple, Udyr returned to the Freljord, seeking to defend the natural world from all who would threaten its balance.
''Through me,nature's will is done.''
-- Udyr